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Best Price's and plans in Victoria BC

PROform Fitness


What is PROform Fitness?

Sterling Stevens founded Proform Fitness in 2013 with the intentions of helping men and women improve their overall health and vitality. 

He has spent the last 10 years developing a training system through finding out what works for him and his clients. He specializes in building training and diet programs for men and women with busy lives by utilizing a low volume high intensity training system by building individual, personalized programs that are focused on fitting into their busy lifestyles. 


His goal is to motivate and show clients how to achieve long term health and vitality as they age, he specializes in helping men and women not only look the part but feel and perform better in all aspects of life.


Aging is a part of life but the negative aspects of it do not have to be. He wants to help slowdown the effects of aging with personalized fitness plans to improve your body and overall health.


We will make a personalized fitness plan to
help you achieve a balance in sexual, mental and physical health.

The PROform Fitness APP is like having your own personal trainer in your pocket.
Let me coach you effectively from anywhere in the world.
Contact me today for more information on this amazing option.

Our Training Packages


Free phone or zoom consultations

A fitness assessment where we review a plan of action catered to your starting point. 


One on One 

In person sessions at Proform Fitness private home gym.

Healthy Senior Man

Diet & Nutrition Plans

Plans designed to help you achieve your goals and guide you through the process of reaching them. Sterling offers meal and complete supplement plans.


Personalized Monthly
Training Plans

Personalized plans for training in person or through online coaching, designed to help guide you through achieving your optimal health.

Modern Gym

Online Coaching

Personalized online coaching sessions that include weekly check ins and work with where you are and what is available to you.


Monthly Training packages

Choose a training package for 3, 6 or 9 months

Personalized training programs that are more in depth and will show how much you can change in just a few months. 



"A cut above the rest!  Sterling always delivers a challenging workout while guiding me through proper form and technique.  A passionate trainer who ensures I get the most out of every movement without injury."



"My experiences at Proform Fitness are incredible; Sterling has been a wealth of knowledge with my goal of hypertrophy. Along with the education, I get a deadly workout every time that is innovative, well-organized, and beyond satisfying."



“There's 5 reasons Sterling is the best Personal Trainer : motivation, inspiration, technique, the latest fitness information and his great Studio”



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